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a. 有系统的, 成体系的, 有秩序的, 有组织的, 分类学的, 故意的, 彻底的

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英文: ABSTRACT: On the basis of systematical study of “Spatial Mismatch” and its effect on the employment of the disadvantaged (e.g. the low-income, women, and the minority) research in the U.S. since 1960s, the author has classified the various views held by t

中文: 摘要:通过系统研究美国学者1960年代以来关于“空间不匹配”的假设与部分大城市弱势群体(如低收入居民、少数民族和妇女)就业问题,逐一梳理了美国学者如何看待大城市弱势群体就业障碍问题以及他们所主要采用的研究方法和模型的演进过程。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: This paper introduces the development,main systematical composition,video encoding & decoding technology and compression technologyof digital television,and expounds current progress of digital telvision technology in the world.The curren pr

中文: 文摘:介绍了数字电视技术的发展、主要系统组成,视频编解码和压缩技术,以及数字电视技术目前在国际上的进展。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: This paper introduces the essential key element of the intelligent building (IB), and discusses the systematical integrated method of IB and the intension structural frame and sustainable development of the IB system.

中文: 文摘:文章介绍了智能建筑的基本要素,论述了智能建筑的系统集成方式,对智能建筑系统内涵构架及可持续发展进行了必要的研讨.        更详细...
英文: After the implementation of Middle Route of South-to North Water Transfer Project, the influence of anabranches will be more important; systematical control may benefit both the enhance of advantages and the decrease of disadvantages.

中文: 南水北调中线工程实施后,支流入汇对汉江中下游的重要性更趋凸现,配合南水北调工程对支流进行适当的综合规划治理可兴利除害。        更详细...
英文: Based on problems appears in agricultural environment, suggestions on how to speed up the development of ecological agriculture were made from the aspects of policy tropism, main tasks, environment management, law construction, systematical detection, Sci

中文: 根据中国农业生态环境存在的问题,从政策取向、重点任务、生态环境管理、法制建设、监测体系、科技支撑、资金投入等方面提出加快生态农业发展的建议。        更详细...

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