英文: Exposure to pesticides and nitrates can alter the hormonal milieu of the pregnant mother and the developing fetal brain,Winchester explained in a statement.
中文: 温彻斯特解释说,接触杀虫剂和硝酸盐会使孕妇体内的荷尔蒙环境发生改变,从而影响胎儿的大脑发育。
英文: Many chemical and industrial enterprises are built along rivers so that they can dump the waste into water easily,Chen said. Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides also pollute underground water.
中文: 中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所的健康专家陈智周说,“恶性肿瘤高发的主要原因是环境污染,空气和水污染正日益严重。”
英文: A nationwide U.S 6) geological 7) survey 8) sampling water in 30 states found that the total weight of drugs and personal-care products that find their way into the environment each year is equal to that of 9) pesticides that end up in the environment 10)
中文: 美国一项全国地质调查在30个州进行水的抽样检验发现,药物与个人保养用品每年侵入环境的总量,竟然相当于每年流到环境中的农药总量。
英文: Additionally, organic coffee is free of pesticides and other chemicals that affect the taste of the coffee.
中文: 另外,有机咖啡也不使用影响咖啡口味的杀虫剂或其他化学制品。
英文: Animal studies have shown that chemical compounds commonly used as pesticides can cause a degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons.
中文: 动物研究显示,通常使用像杀虫剂之类的化学合成物会使由多巴胺产生的神经元发生恶化。