英文: Air travel gives you a bird's-eye view of the world ? or even if the wing of the aircraft ha e to get in your way.
中文: 飞机旅行,你只可俯视世界??如果机翼碰巧挡住了你的视线,就看得更少了。
英文: Air travel gives you a bird's-eye view of the world – or even if the wing of the aircraft happens to get in your way.
中文: 飞机旅行,你只可俯视世界――如果机翼碰巧挡住了你的视线,就看得更少了。
英文: As a way to raise funds to build a pedestal for Lady Liberty, for a small donation visitors could climb a staircase inside the statue and get a bird's-eye view of the festivities.
中文: 为了筹集资金建造底座,参观者只要捐献很小的钱就可以登上神像的楼梯间鸟瞰庆典的盛况。
英文: MINNEAPOLIS - Flying over Minneapolis' collapsed highway bridge, President Bush got a bird's-eye view Saturday of the concrete slabs and twisted steel that once spanned the Mississippi River.
中文: 明尼阿波利斯-飞在明尼阿波利斯高速公路大桥上空,布什总统在星期六鸟瞰了这座曾经横跨在密西西比河上的钢筋混泥土大桥。
英文: We got a bird's-eye view of the city from here.
中文: 从这儿我们能够看到城市的全景。