英文: Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are neurodegenerative diseases in which cell damage and degeneration is seen in certain specific areas of the brain.
中文: 早老性痴呆症及帕金森氏症神经退化疾病,是脑的一些特殊部位的细胞出现损坏及退化现象。
英文: More than 4.5 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease, a neurodegenerative illness characterized by memory loss and disorientation, among other symptoms.
中文: 逾450万美国人罹患老人失智症,一种神经退化性疾病,除了种种其他病徵,主要特徵是失忆和迷失方向。
英文: Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder which is caused by the death of dopaminergic neurons in the compact part of nigra.
中文: 摘要帕金森病是黑质多巴胺能神经元变性坏死而引起的神经系统退行性疾病。
英文: The Movement Disorder Society (MDS) is an international professional society of clinicians, scientists, and other healthcare professionals, who are interested in Parkinson's disease, related neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, hyperkinetic
中文: 运动疾病学会:对巴金森氏症、神经退化、神经发展相关疾病、过动症与肌肉和运动控制异常有兴趣的临床医生、科学家与健康照护人员的国际专业学会。
英文: The Movement Disorder Society is an international professional society of clinicians, scientists, and other healthcare professionals, who are interested in Parkinson's disease, related neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, hyperkinetic movem
中文: 运动疾病协会是一个国际专业协会,由对帕金森病,与其相关的神经元变性和神经发育障碍,高动力运动障碍和肌张力和运动控制异常感兴趣的神经临床医生,科学家和其他保健专业人员组成。