英文: If you could but perceive the miraculous nature of your own reality in this particular moment that you call the present, how dazzled you would be, and how little you would think in terms of purposes.
中文: 如果你能在这当下察觉你自己实在的不可思议的本性,那你会多么眩惑,也就多么不会想到目标这样的问题。
英文: Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders,Jesus told him, you will never believe.
中文: 48耶稣就对他说,若不看见神迹奇事,你们总是不信。
英文: 30 Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book.
中文: 30耶稣在门徒面前,另外行了许多神迹,没有记在这书上。
英文: All she really wants is a one-way ticket home, but what she gets is an adventure that will lead her and her newfound friends past the wickedest of witches to a presumably omnipotent Wizard in the glittery, magical, miraculous land of Oz.
中文: 其实,在这个华丽而魔幻境界里,她所经历的许多冒险,都将带领著她与她的朋友们对抗邪恶的女巫,并找到全能的男巫师,指引一条回家的路。
英文: And there are those that search for scientific explanations of its miraculous powers.
中文: 这些人是为了寻求对约柜神奇能量的科学解释。