英文: Stalactites are exquisitely carved, dignified and beautiful, they have many fantastic names: jade trees and agar flower; lovers' party; welcome fairy; stone flower bars; jade fish; supernatural being party; pilgrimaging stone; dragon and phoenix double ca
中文: 宫”是地下喀斯特风光的典型代表,钟乳石玲珑剔透、秀美端庄,玉树琼花、鹊桥会、仙娥迎宾、石花宝柱、玉鳞泻波、群仙聚会、仰仙岩、龙凤双烛、仙女下凡、七仙女、玉柱擎天、瑶池、神女出浴……神女宫宽不过百米,高不过三十米,但却峰回路转,移步换景,重重叠叠,融汇了世上种种喀斯特造型。
英文: The limestone caves with its fantastically shaped stalactites and stalagmites win it the fame of “An Artistic Wonder of Nature”.
中文: 景区由12座山峰、46个岩洞、700多亩绿地、3000多米长的清溪和四个人工湖组成,洞内钟乳石奇特多变,形神兼备,被誉为“大自然的奇幻艺术之宫”。
英文: The meandering waterways of mangrove reveal stunning limestone outcrops sculptured with sheer cliffs, caves, stalactites and dense vegetation which resemble the shapes of Pekinese dog and elephant.
中文: 在攀牙湾红树林蜿蜒河流的水路显露着许多奇形怪状石灰石峭壁,洞穴,有像被雕刻成小狗和大象形状的钟乳石和密集的植被。