英文: It is a pity that the brain drain already has caused the difficulty in industries and the economy for many developing nations.
中文: 遗憾的是,人才外流已给许多发展中国家的工业和经济造成了困难。
英文: Taiwan experienced a brain drain during the '80s when many students didn't return after completing their studies abroad.
中文: 台湾在80年代曾经历过人才外流,当时许多学生在国外完成学业后并未回国。
英文: Taking Guandong ** Co., Ltd as an example, the paper summarizes the main reasons for brain drain of enterprises and advances the solving measures through relevant analysis.
中文: 本文以广东**实业有限公司为例,通过分析企业人才流失的现象,总结出导致企业人才流失问题的几个主要原因,并提出解决策略。
英文: The creative brain drain of the last several years, which is real and continuing, and damages our Company with the loss of every talented employee.
中文: 前几年创造性人才的流失大家有目共睹,而该趋势至今仍未见停止。每位有才华员工的流失,都对公司造成了损害。
英文: To solve this Brain Drain problem, we must improve the managing mode of family control, fulfill the operational structure of the whole enterprise, set the awareness to innovation and brand consciousness, and positively cultivate the enterprise's culture.
中文: 要走出民营企业人力资源困境,就必须改进家族式管理方式、完善企业的公司治理结构、树立创新和品牌意识、营造积极的企业文化氛围。