英文: A goody-goody is one who likes to appear faultless in behaviour so as to please others, not because he or she is really good.
中文: 伪君子就是那种为了取悦他人,在行为上装出无可挑剔的样子,并非此人真的是个好人。
英文: After taking care of his flowers, he goes for the bucket again. On his way, he sees a goody-looking baddy and a baddy-looking goody in action.
中文: 他照顾完花之后就去找水桶,在路上遇到看起来像好人的坏人和看起来像坏人的好人在比武。
英文: Dont give me that do goody good bullshit.
中文: 戈得很好,给我做不该胡说.
英文: Epictitus's teachings on virtue has nothing to do with being a goody-goody or a doormat.
中文: 艾匹克提塔斯对于美德的教诲完全无关于做一个大好人或当一块门口的擦鞋垫那样任人践踏。
英文: [b][color=blue]In addition to giving you the opportunity to become a terror from the deep, the goody bag you receive will also contain an access code for an upcoming Blizzard beta test.
中文: 另外我们还将给你一个成为一个来自深渊的统治者的机会,你所收到礼品袋还会包含一个我们即将发行的游戏测试版的验证码。。。