英文: A vast array of individuals seriously overrate the importance of money in making themselves, and others, happy,said strategist James Montier in a recent memo to clients.
中文: 策略师詹姆斯·蒙蒂尔在最近给客户的一份便函中提到:“在使自己和他人快乐这方面,很多人都过高地估计了金钱的重要性。”
英文: A Democratic strategist quips that it is rather like their party fielding a segregationist.
中文: 一位民主党分析人士讽刺道,这就像他们党内派了个种族隔离主义者上场一样可笑。
英文: And that is not all that will be different, according to Andy Rothman, China strategist for CLSA in Shanghai.
中文: 在法国里昂证券驻上海的中国战略分析家安迪?罗思曼看来,这些还不是中国发展的全部。
英文: As the key strategist for first Governor then President Bush, Rove learned lessons that paid big political dividends.
中文: 作为最初的州长和现任总统的首要策略家,R在巨大的政治代价中吸取了教训.
英文: Ben Simpfendorfer, a currency strategist in Hong Kong with the Royal Bank of Scotland, said the dollar had briefly dropped so fast earlier in the day that investors became worried that a weak dollar would hurt Asian exports and make Asian shares less attr
中文: 皇家苏格兰银行香港办事处的货币战略家本·辛芬多佛说,美元当天早些时候曾短暂迅速下跌,致使投资商担心疲软的美元将损害亚洲的出口,亚洲股票也会魅力大减,而这反过来将抑制对亚洲货币的需求。