英文: Because of this, the government holds an Oriental Cherry Festival every year.
中文: 汉译:因为如此,日本政府便每年都举办“樱花节”。
英文: From 794, oriental cherry becomes to play an important role in Japan.
中文: 汉译:从794年起,樱花就在日本扮演起了重要的角色。
英文: I do not know the shooting star can fly how long, be worth undeserved pursuit, I do not know oriental cherry can leave how long, the value is undeserved wait, but the friendship that I know us can resemble the beauty like firework, resemble the eternity l
中文: 我不知道流星能飞多久,值不值得追求,我不知道樱花能开多久,值不值得等候,但我知道你我的友谊能象烟花般美丽,象恒星般永恒,值得我用一生去保留!