英文: Polygamy and prostitution had a deeply formative effect upon the entire field of sexuality in pre-modern China.
中文: 演讲大纲:在前现代中国,一夫多妻与娼妓制,深刻地形构了整个性相领域。
英文: Unique for their deep harmonic overtone chanting, the sound has been compared to the resonance of a drum and is reputed to have a transformative effect on the physical as well as emotional body.
中文: 他们的念诵风格最独特的地方是能够从音符中呈献多层的谐音和泛音.这种独特的念诵效果类似鼓身震动而产生的共鸣,并且被视为对身心有着良好转变的效用。