英文: You know that you cannot truly explain what you are doing when you are being the Fourth-dimensional conscious experience of Being , because it is something which is happening beyond any expression of self-will .
中文: 你知道,当你处在第四度空间的实存意识境界时,你没办法真正向人解释你在做什麽,因为它的发生是超越任何自我意志的表现。
英文: Your Birthright as the Son of God, your Birthright as the Christ, your Birthright as the undistorted perception of Reality, the undistorted Conscious experience of Being, is certainly embraced and embodied in your being normal, your being Who You Are.
中文: 你是上主之子,你是基督,你不受妄见扭曲的实相,你无染的实存,都是你的天赋权利,确实都存在于平凡无奇的你内。