英文: 2 Cables and water pipe used shall be capability of authority approvals.
中文: 电缆和水管要有相关证明其可靠性。
英文: A NUCLEAR capability may be the toast of North Korea's leaders, but it is a blight on their poor countrymen's bellies.
中文: 拥有核能力可能对北韩的领导人来说是一项值得庆贺的事情,但对其贫穷的百姓来说却得让他们勒紧腰带了。
英文: A connective device designed to affect operative capability between different parts of one or more systems and/or subsystems.
中文: 一种连接装置,用来实现一个或多个系统(和/或子系统)的不同部分之间的连接,从而使其获得协同工作的能力。
英文: A protection algorithm can be judged as having strong capability of anti interference if it can eliminate decaying direct current component and high harmonic whose frequency is not the integer times of system base-frequency.
中文: 摘要能否滤除非系统频率整数倍的谐波和衰减的直流分量是衡量保护算法抗干扰能力的重要特徵。
英文: “COMPANION”is a mationally well known brand name for woolen cloth,with capability of manuafacturing 2,000,000meters a year and utilizes most advanced method of manuafacturing to produce sequential,standing,pane loop style wool yarns that are used as overc
中文: 康平纳”呢绒是国内知名品牌,拥有纺、织、染、整全套先进流水线,年生产能力200万米,可生产顺毛、立绒、方格、圈圈等系列的大衣呢、花呢、超薄休闲呢等,风格多样、肌理丰富、高雅华贵,是国内重点生产高级粗纺呢绒的骨干企业。