英文: Not surprising, perhaps, as China has become one of Africa's most intrepid investors, sinking almost $12 billion into the continent, and biggest customers, buying over a tenth of sub-Saharan Africa's exports ($19.2 billion) in 2005.
中文: 也许,这没有什么好惊讶的,因为中国已是非洲最坚定的投资者之一和最大客户,它在非洲大陆的投资额将近120亿美元,且在2005年,还购买了撒哈拉以南的非洲超过十分之一的出口货物(192亿美元)。
英文: To defraud the insurer of insurance money by forging or altering certificates, materials and other evidence associated with insured contingencies or by instigating, inducing or buying over others to provide false evidence, materials or other evidence, or
中文: (五)伪造、变造与保险事故有关的证明、资料和其他证据,或者指使、唆使、收买他人提供虚假证明、资料或者其他证据,编造虚假的事故原因或者夸大损失程度,骗取保险金的。