英文: A claustrophobic woman got into a confrontation with a flight crew, causing a United Airline's jet from London to divert to Boston.
中文: 一个恐怖症女人和机组对抗,造成联合航空公司的飞机从伦敦转移到波士顿。
英文: A claustrophobic woman got into a confrontation with a flight crew, causing a United Airlines jet from London to divert to Boston.
中文: 一位患有幽闭恐怖症的妇女和一架联合航班客机的机组人员进入了对峙状态,迫使飞机从伦敦转入波斯顿。
英文: A confrontation between opposing groups in which each attempts to harm or gain power over the other, as with bodily force or weapons.
中文: 战斗对立双方之间的针锋相对,每方都企图伤害或统治对方,如用暴力或武力
英文: Acheson is not concordant with the Congress either, because his personality and the confrontation between Republican and Democratic in the Congress.
中文: 此外,艾其逊个人的特质以及国会内部两党间的政治斗争,使得他与国会间水火不容。
英文: “Gigi is a symbol for our supporters and we will never reach a point where we might get into a confrontation with him.
中文: “吉吉是我们球迷所拥戴的人物,我们决不希望失去他,与他为敌。”