英文: As a metaphor for American diversity, the melting pot was first discredited after World War I, when the European immigrants streaming into American cities formed distinct ethnic and national enclaves that didn't melt together.
中文: 作为美国多样性的隐喻,大融炉这个概念首先在第一次世界大战后遭到质疑,因为那时欧洲各国移民涌入美国城市后,并没有被融合,而是各起炉灶,自成一体。
英文: It has allowed a melting pot of cultures from all over the world to find common ground, and a new home, in this most gentle of places.
中文: 它是世界上最文明的地方之一,世界各地的文化都可以在这熔炉中找到共同点,生根发芽。
英文: Never sigh or be captured by grief,throw all of your sorrows into the melting pot of life and cast a golden hope.
中文: 莫叹息,别悲伤,把它们一齐投入生命的熔炉,铸炼成金色的希望。
英文: New York City is the most famous melting pot in the world.
中文: 纽约是世界上最著名的各色人种混杂的地方。
英文: On all the main trade routes since the dawn of history, the Rhone-Alpes region has always been a melting pot of people and cultures, which ①accounts for the diversity of its heritage.
中文: 有史以来,位于所有贸易要道之上的罗讷—阿尔卑斯大区,一直都是一个民族与文化的熔炉,而这就解释了其遗产多样性的成因。