*['eru:dait]\na. 博学的\nn. 博学者
英文: As a great legist in late Qing Dynasty who was erudite and well-informed, Shenjiaben, from the point of view that the criminal law was the most essential one among all, was in charge of drafting The New Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty, which overthrew the Ch
中文: 摘要作为一个博古通今、连贯中西的晚清法学大家,沈家本从“各法之中,尤以刑法为切要”的认识出发,主持拟定了《大清新刑律》,瓦解了延续中国二千多年的中华法系,导入了以“公正”为灵魂的先进的刑罚思想。
英文: At all events, if it involved any secret information in regard to old Roger Chillingworth, it was in a tongue unknown to the erudite clergyman, and did but increase the bewilderment of his mind.
中文: 无论如何,即使其中包含着有关老罗杰·齐灵握斯的秘密信息,也是博学的牧师所不懂的,只能徒增他的困惑面已。
英文: Since venture named Tong, person of integrity colleagues, brave, all explorations, rational management and emotional interaction fully integrated, the erudite to be more, water can link up, and innovation can be explored beyond the principles of tradition
中文: 永春堂自创业以来,志士同仁,不畏艰难,上下求索,将理性管理与感情互动充分结合,坚持博学方能多才,融会方能贯通,创新才能超越的探索原则,秉承祖国传统中医的博大精深,利用丰足的天然中药资源,与中国农业大学、山东医学科学院、山东中医药大学,山东中医药研究院等科研单位精诚合作,致力于生物科技领域新产品的探索研究与传统中医现代高科技相结合健康产品的开发、推广,不断增强科技实力,打造保健产业航空母舰,构筑现代化高新技术企业集团。
英文: Your papers aren't expected to sound as erudite as the books and articles of your expert sources, and indeed your intelligence will emerge most clearly in a plain, direct style.
中文: 你的论文并不指望和你所引用的专家的书籍或文章一样渊博,确实,在一种平易、直接的风格中,你自身的才能会表露无遗。