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*[bi:];vt. 是, 表示, 在;vi. 是, 表示, 在;

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*[bi:]\nvt. 是, 表示, 在\nvi. 是, 表示, 在\n【计】 后端, 总线允许\n【医】 铍(4号元素)\n相关词组:\n be it that...\n be it true or not\n be that as it may\n the...to be\n so be it

英文: 3would be strong and full of passion for football, as he was abundantly nourished and had enjoyed waving his hands and kicking his feet in a warm covered place, without hurrying out of blond 1to (4) encounter this rainy winter, as well as black 1. 3would

中文: “三”将身强力壮,酷爱足球,因为他在一个保温覆盖之地饱食终日,手舞足蹈,根本不想从“金发一”中匆忙而出,去迎接多雨之冬和“黑发一”.“三”将是未来的天才,或许是又一个爱因斯坦,因为他是“其他二位”爱和智慧的结晶.在这个世界趋于一体化的时代,“三”将是地球村里最有资格的地球公民,因为他代表着儒家精神和笛卡尔精神最完满的结合.        更详细...
英文: A drought on her waters, and they will be dried up! For it is a land of idols, And they are mad over fearsome idols.

中文: 耶50:38有乾旱临到他的众水、就必乾涸.因为这是有雕刻偶像之地、人因偶像而颠狂。        更详细...
英文: A fierce wild beast: If he comes, his prey will be humans!---Chapter 3---said Zheng Tai of Dong Zhuo, who was approaching the capital with a huge army.

中文: “一只残暴的野兽,如果他来了,他的猎物将是人!”——第3章——郑泰说董卓,董卓正带领一支大军*近首都。        更详细...
英文: A gripping, powerful motion picture -- arguably the most forceful depiction of Jesus' death ever to be committed to film.

中文: 一部吸引人的,强有力的好电影--可论证地成为迄今为止以电影的手法表现耶稣牺牲的最强有力的叙述。        更详细...
英文: A key task for the UPU will be to ensure that the fierce competition in the postal market does not degenerate into chaos but proceeds in an orderly manner.

中文: “万国邮联的主要任务是确保在邮政市场上的激烈竞争不要引起混乱,而是要有序地进行。”        更详细...

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