英文: Although it was winter, bright sun shines down in the island, I saw ripply rivers in mountains, deep valleys, blue sky and white cloud, the world is so whisht and quiet, besides vehicles passed, only some buffalos were browsing in leisure, just like Xanad
中文: 虽是冬日,但海岛艳阳高照,孱孱的山涧、深邃的山谷、蓝天白云,除了过往的车辆,就只有悠闲吃草的水牛了,一切是这样的静谧安详,如同世外桃源。
英文: I standed up , seeing the whisht , flowing and popple of river, I thinks:where is the headstream of river ? How is its ending?
中文: 我站起身来,望着这条静静流淌的小河,这条碧波荡漾的乡村小河,心想:这条小河的源头在哪里?它的尽头将又是怎样的?