英文: A church wedding service will include hymns, a commemorative Order of Service leaflets, an organist, a choir, lapel flowers and personally chosen Bible readings.
中文: “教堂婚礼”的仪式包括赞美歌、一本有纪念意义的“仪典安排”手册、一位风琴手、一个唱诗班、翻领上的配花,以及个人选择的圣经章节。
英文: As it was taught in school, the red flower signifies the blood that was shed on the fields of battle, the green centre signifies hope for a better future, and the bent pin with which the poppy is attached to the coat lapel signifies the bones that were br
中文: 学校里是这样说的:红色的花象征着先烈们洒在战场上的鲜血;绿色的花蕊美好未来的希望;而用于固定罂粟花儿弯曲的别针则象征着勇士伤碎的骨头和不能忘却的伤痛。
英文: I LOVE the details: one-shouldered with a lapel (gives the white dress an edge), the skirt part looks pleated and it's made of cotton, which seemed like a cheap material choice to me, but it just occured to me that cotton makes it more practical because i
中文: 我喜欢这些细节:一个肩有翻领(带给白裙以锐气),裙摆部分看上去有褶皱且是棉制的-看上去像是廉价的材料,但我又想到,棉质地让它更实用因为它可以当作很酷的白天的衣服来穿。
英文: I'd like my jacket with wide lapel and three buttons at the front.
中文: 我希望我的短上衣带阔领,胸前用三个钮扣。
英文: Lapel and buttonholes did not look their best and needed care and attention.
中文: 需要注意翻领和钮扣孔地方,不需要做好!