英文: ' she thought. `I must be growing small again.' She got up and went to the table to measure herself by it, and found that, as nearly as she could guess, she was now about two feet high, and was going on shrinking rapidly: she soon found out that the cause
中文: 她想,“我一定又变小了,”她起来走到桌子边,量一量自己,正像她猜测的那样,她现在大约只有二英尺高了,而且还在迅速地缩小,她很快发现是拿着的那把扇子在作怪,于是她赶紧把扇子给扔了,总算够快,要不然岂不就缩得没有了。
英文: [The plants were loaded into the container immediately after planting on (name of growing media) which are not used for plant growing.
中文: 植株于输出前须完全去除原始栽培介植,未使用过的泥碳土,椰子纤维,水苔或树皮重新种植,并立即进行包装,植物检疫证明书加注。
英文: [color=darkorange][b]Divorce, inheritance and business nous has helped a growing number of women to become millionaires, who have increased at five times the rate of wealthy men.
中文: 离婚、遗产继承和商业头脑使得越来越多的女性成为百万富翁,其增长速度为有钱男性的五倍。
英文: “As a developing country with a fast-growing economy and large population, it will require a great deal of money to completely change the energy structure and adopt clean energy,” he said.
中文: “作为一个发展中国家,作为一个经济快速发展、人口众多的国家,要想彻底改变能源结构、使用清洁能源,需要花很多的钱。”
英文: “Globalization” refers to the growing interdependence of countries resulting from their increased economic integration via trade, foreign investment, foreign aid, and international migration of people and ideas.
中文: 全球化指的是由于国际贸易、国外投资、国外援助、国际移民和思想交流所促成的全球经济一体化及其引起的国与国之间相互依赖程度的加深。