英文: An understanding of the complex chain of neurotransmitters, “second messengers,” transcription factors, genes and other miscellaneous molecules needed to make a long-term memory is leading to drugs that may ultimately help more than those beset with Alzhe
中文: 了解参与长期记忆的复杂过程,包括神经传递物、「二级传讯分子」、转录因子、基因与其他五花八门的分子,最后引导我们研发的新药物,不只有助于受到阿兹海默症或其他失智症问题困扰的年迈患者而已。
英文: Evaluation of the long-term memory for thermosensation regulated by neuronal calcium sensor-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans
中文: 对秀丽线虫模型NCS-1调控的温度感知长时程记忆的评价研究(英文)