英文: A contemporary term for a school located in a run-down central area of a large city and attended almost entirely by students from disadvantaged or minority groups.
中文: 当代名词。指位于大城市破旧的中心地带的学校,就学的学生几乎全部来自贫困阶层或少数民族。
英文: A “realism” entirely indifferent to western values would be one blunder.
中文: 一种完全无视西方价值观的“现实主义”,会是一个重大失误。
英文: “Isn't it true that your relationship with my client is entirely platonic ?
中文: “你和我的委托人真是保持纯粹精神上的关系吗?”
英文: “My physique is responding well to treatment and, although I'm not entirely sure yet, I believe I can be back training with the squad next week.
中文: “我感觉很好并且非常乐观。我的身体条件经过治疗后恢复得很好,尽管我不能十分确定,但我相信我下周就能够回到一线队进行训练。”
英文: “Whatever success I have enjoyed,I attribute almost entirely to a deep personal sense of responsibility to our clients and to the job at hand,with a passion for thoroughness,often at considerable personal sacrifice,and an unyielding intolerance of sloppy
中文: 我所享有的任何成就,完全归因于对客户与工作的高度责任感,不惜付出自我而成就完美的热情,以及绝不容忍马虎的想法,草率粗心的工作,与差强人意的作品。