英文: I'm glad to be home and look forward to getting back to work within the next month or so,Clinton said in a statement issued by his spokesman, Jim Kennedy.
中文: 在他的发言人吉姆·肯尼迪公布的一份声明中,克林顿说:“我很高兴能回家,并盼望能在下个月左右回到工作中。”
英文: A Thai zoo, which has hosted a couple of pandas for four years, will play pornvideos for the male next month to encourage them to breed in captivity, the project manager said on Saturday.
中文: 据泰国一家动物园的项目经理介绍,他们将于下月为动物园里的一只雄性熊猫播放“色情”录像,以刺激他与“同居”四年的一只雌性熊猫进行笼中繁殖。
英文: A top Iranian official said Wednesday that his country will participatein Iraq\'s neighbors\' conference next month if it will be of help to Baghdad,according to a state-run Iranian news service.
中文: 据伊朗国家媒体消息,周三,伊朗一位高级官员说伊朗将参加下个月举行的伊拉克领国会议,“希望那能帮到伊拉克。”
英文: Admiral Horatio Nelson's one-sleeved undershirt, possibly the only piece of the British war hero's clothing still in private hands, will be auctioned off next month in London, Sotheby's said on Friday.
中文: 世界著名的索思比拍卖公司9月23日表示,被誉为近百年来世界10大军事统帅之一的英国著名军事家霍雷肖·纳尔逊上将的一件汗衫将于下个月在伦敦被拍卖。
英文: Air kisses often practiced by celebs are another \'unemotional\' type of greeting. The study is due to be published next month in the scientific journal Laterality.
中文: 明星常做的飞吻手势也是一种“缺乏感情”的问候方式。这项研究的结果将于下月在科学期刊《侧性》上发表。