英文: 1 Comrade Zhang Side was a soldier in the Guards Regiment of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist arty who loyally served the interests of the people, he joined the revolution in 1933, took part in the Long March and was wounded in service.
中文: 张思德同志,中共中央警卫团的战士,一九三二年参加革命,经过长征,负过伤,是一个忠实为人民利益服务的共产党员。
英文: 1997 Discuss the impact of the French Revolution on political developments in Europe up to 1848.
中文: 直至1848年,法国大革命对欧洲的政治发展造成什麽影响﹖试加以解释。
英文: 21st century, information-based society with the process, network-based, digital,Intelligent theme of the advent of the information age, information, the process toward a higher, more sophisticated areas of the economy, a new information revolution has co
中文: 21世纪,随着社会信息化的进程,以网络化、数字化、智能化为主题的信息时代的来临,信息化的进程向着更高的、更精细的领域拓展,新一轮信息的革命已经来临。
英文: 24 Revolutions of Time and Price - The earth makes one revolution on its axis in 24 hours, moving 360 degrees in longitude.
中文: 时间和价格的24小时旋转——地球绕轴24小时自转,在黄经上运行360度。
英文: [xx]M.Overton. Agricultural Revolution in England:The Transformation of the Agrarian Economy,1500~1850.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1996,pp.116~118.
中文: 黄宗智:《发展还是内卷?十八世纪英国与中国——评彭慕兰<大分叉:欧洲,中国及现代世界经济的发展>》,《历史研究》2002年第4期。