英文: Rotary, you began the story of polio eradication 20 years ago. You are now needed more than ever, if this story is to have the triumphant ending it deserves.
中文: 「扶轮,您在20年前开始写出根除小儿痲痹的故事。如今正是最需要您的时刻,才能为这个故事写下应有的胜利结局。」
英文: 3 Dr. Lee led the polio eradication initiative that wiped out this crippling disease in China.
中文: 李博士领导了消灭小儿麻痹运动,它清除了中国的这种疾病。
英文: 5 Lahaie RG, A randomized trial of the efficacy of three regimens for t he eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Gastroenterology 1995;108:A141.
中文: 6刘文忠,吕宝妹,萧树东等.含克拉霉素的短程三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌.中华内科杂志1996;35:803-806.
英文: 5 Sakaki N , Kozarwa H , Sanaka M, et al . Improvement of atrophic gastritis after Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy. Stomach Intest ,2002 ,37 :5592568.
中文: 7金珠,林三仁,沈祖尧,等.幽门螺杆菌与胃炎活动性关系的病理观察.北京医科大学学报,2000,32:50252.
英文: A Rotary without Matching Grants, without Ambassadorial Scholars, and without the unifying fight for polio eradication would be a Rotary without many of the most important ties linking our clubs and districts.
中文: 假使扶轮没有配合奖助金、没有大使奖学金学生、而且没有为根除小儿痲痹而并肩奋战,扶轮将失去许多令各扶轮社及地区团结在一起的重要因素。