英文: Availability: This package is applicable for users with flourish oil secretion in T-zone and comedones and acne (if oil secretion is seriously flourish and causes comedones on other parts, please use the product after confirming if the skin is sensitive o
中文: 适用范围:本组合适合于“T”界部位油脂分泌旺盛,有黑头粉刺者使用(如油脂分泌严重过剩,引致面部其它部位有黑头粉刺者,应确认皮肤不属敏感性肤质方能使用,如用胸、背部则无碍)。
英文: the averages values of pustules, papules and comedones decreased from . 0, 7.9 and . to 0. 7, . and . respectively.
中文: 脓疱、丘疹、粉刺数的平均值分别由.0、7.9和 . 个减至0.7、 . 和.个。