英文: A wealth of data shows that the Au abundance of metamorphic rocks in greenstone terrains is rather low (0.17×10^(-9) to 2.40×10^(-9) in average), and in the relevant granites is only 0.62×10^(-9) to 1.20×10^(-9) averagely.
中文: 大量的国内外资料表明:绿岩地体中变质岩的金丰度较低,平均为0.71×10^(-9)~2.40×10^(-9),与金矿有关的花岗岩金丰度更低,平均只有0.62×10^(-9)~1.20×10^(-9)。
英文: China is potential for gold mineral resources, especially for granite-greenstone hosted, meta-clastics-hosted, volcanics-subvolcanics-hosted gold deposit and sedimentary rock-hosted micro-disseminated gold deposits.
中文: 中国金矿找矿前景可观,以产于花岗岩-绿岩地体中的金矿、产于沉积岩中的微细浸染型金矿、产于变碎屑岩中的金矿和产于火山-次火山岩中的金矿最具找矿潜力。