round to
掉头顶风停下, 船掉头顶风停下
英文: 1 After a musical interlude, the director of the United Nations Office in Geneva read a message from the U.N. secretary-general in tribute to the man who would not be around to lead this week's important public health debate.
中文: 在一段哀乐之后,联合国在日内瓦的总部主任宣读了来自联合国秘书长的信函来表达对这位不能到场主持本周有关公共卫生重要会议人物的赞颂。
英文: 3 After a century of royal rule, in which the monarchy defended its power with claims that government by the masses would prove “corrupt”, political leaders are coming around to the view that more democracy is the best way to check mismanagement and impro
中文: 经历了一个世纪的王权统治,国王为了保护自己的权利宣布说:由平民领导的政府可以医治腐败,政治领袖们逐渐认识到,发展民主是纠正弊政和改善汤加人民生活水平的最佳途径。
英文: 4 A/A+ Round to Near-round; Moderate Luster; Medium/Thin Nacre (.2-.3 of total nacre or better); 70% Inclusion Free Surface; Good Matching.
中文: 圆到接近圆的程度,中等光泽,中/簿的珠层(0.2-0.3或以上的珠层含量),70%的表皮光洁度,良好的匹配。
英文: [NIV] He then brought me to the outer court and led me around to its four corners, and I saw in each corner another court.
中文: 21[和合]他又带我到外院,使我经过院子的四拐角,见每拐角各有一个院子。
英文: “Power companies have traditionally used airborne laser technology (LiDAR) to survey high voltage power networks however low voltage cables are too small and too close to the ground to be visible,” continued Hunter.
中文: 电力公司历来用于机载激光科技(1962)调查高压电网,但低压电缆太小,而且过于接近地面会看得见,继续狩猎.