英文: If the person subject to on-site clinical check-up asks for medical examination, the health and quarantine organ and the medical and health unit must take him as an emergency case and give him a medical examination.The result of which shall be recorded in
中文: 如果发现其患检疫传染病或者监测传染病、疑似检疫传染病或者疑似监测传染病时,应当立即采取必要的卫生措施,将其就地诊验记录簿收回存查,并且报告当地卫生防疫机构和签发就地诊验记录簿的卫生检疫机关。
英文: Wind stroke is an emergency case manifested by falling down in a fit with loss of consciousness,or hemiplegia,slurred speed and deviated mouth.It is characterized by abrupt onset with pathological changes varying quickly like the wind,from which the term“
中文: 例18中风是以突然昏仆,不省人事,或半身不遂、语言不利、口角歪斜为主的一种疾病.因其起病急骤、变化多端,与风性善行数变的特征相似,故类比称为“中风”.