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*['pektәrәl];a. 胸的, 治疗胸科病的, 戴在胸前的, 出自内心的, 发自胸腔的;n. 胸饰, 胸部器官,

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*['pektәrәl]\na. 胸的, 治疗胸科病的, 戴在胸前的, 出自内心的, 发自胸腔的\nn. 胸饰, 胸部器官, 遮胸, 祛痰药\n【医】 胸的; 祛痰的, 舒胸的

英文: Breasts are made up of fat and no muscle, with support provided only by the surrounding skin and the Cooper's ligaments, which extend from the nipples to the pectoral muscles.

中文: 乳房是由脂肪组成的,没有肌肉,仅靠周围的皮肤和库珀韧带来支撑。库珀韧带是由乳头延伸到胸肌的韧带。        更详细...
英文: Diagnostic characters for the recognition of species include the presence or absence of pectoral fin, the position of dorsal fin origin, gill opening, anus, nostril opening and eye, the cirri present or not, the dentition type, the body coloration, and th

中文: 一般依据胸鳍的有无或发达程度,背鳍起点、鳃孔、肛门、鼻孔和眼等的相对位置,颌的发达程度和颌上是否具须,齿的形状和排列方式,身体的斑纹,以及头部和体侧的侧线孔数目等进行鉴别。        更详细...
英文: Each cleaner owns a “station” on a reef where clientele come to spread their pectoral fins and adopt postures that offer the cleaner a chance to do its job.

中文: 每条裂唇鱼都在礁石上开了个服务站,顾客到那里只要展开胸鳍,摆出需要服务的姿势,裂唇鱼就知道生意上门了。        更详细...
英文: I will activate the air (Qi) around my pectoral muscle by doing 77 push-ups in one hand before massage, I use my big and elastic pectoral muscle to massage the acupoint of customer's foot with Qigong for beauty, dispelling worries, refreshing or slimming.

中文: 理疗时我先用左右手各单手做77个俯卧撑进行运气,并分别将气发到我的左右胸肌上,再用硕大强健且富有弹性的胸肌点穴按摩被疗者足部的有关穴位,从而达到美容、解闷、去烦、提神、减肥及健身的作用。        更详细...
英文: Its powerful “wings” (actually pectoral fin flaps) enable it to burst from the surface of the sea and soar several feet into the air before plummeting back to its natural home, landing with a loud slap.

中文: 它那有力的“双翼”(其实是可以拍动的胸鳍),令它得以冲出水面数呎高,然后再重重的“啪”一声落回水面。        更详细...

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