英文: If Roger is allowed the day off, why shouldn't I be? What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander .
中文: 如果允许罗杰休假一天,为什么不允许我休假呢?应该一视同仁嘛。
英文: To paraphrase an old adage, what is fare for the US goose must be fare for the Chinese gander, even if the goose believes that the gander is becoming a little uppity.
中文: 我们可以将一句古老的格言重新表述一下:美国鹅能吃的食物也一定适合中国鹅,即便美国鹅认为中国鹅正变得有点桀骜不驯。
英文: What's good for the goose is good for the gander --- to you, magic is the unstoppable alien energy that you cannot negate with your powers or mist successfully.
中文: 有利必有弊——对你而言,魔法是不可阻挡的奇异能量,你不能用你的异能抵消或妨害魔法。
英文: Wow, take a gander at this chick!
中文: 哇!瞧瞧这个小妞!
英文: Experiment and both tested the hypotheses of the experiment and explored serially stability of implicit gander stereotypes.
中文: 实验和实验 除了检验实验的假设外,还对内隐性别刻板印象的稳定性问题进行了系列探索。