英文: At 3:15 am I awoke suddenly to an unexplainable and utterly paralyzing feeling of horror and dread that steals the warmth of my blood even now.
中文: 凌晨三点一刻的时候,我突然意识到一种不可名状的恐惧感,完全不能动弹。
英文: His questions are shared by thousands of young men each year who suffer paralyzing spinal injuries.
中文: 每年有上千的年轻男性遭遇他同样问题,他们遭遇了瘫痪性的脊椎损伤。
英文: Indonesia suffers from a paralyzing leadership vacuum, with embattled President Abdurrahman Wahid dwelling in a twilit state of denial, pooh-poohing calls for his resignation as just politicsand reassuring himself that grassroots crowds still adore him.
中文: 印尼正经历着权力真空,陷入困境的总统被软禁,叫他辞职的嘘声四起,而这种只关乎政治的嘘声让瓦希德还自信人民还是爱戴他的。
英文: Level 2 - Paralyzing cask bounce 4 times between enemy units (1 sec on Hero, 5 on creeps). Deals 75 damage to non-hero units per bounce.
中文: 二级-麻痹药剂在敌方单位之间弹跳4次,每次弹射造成英雄1秒/普通单位5秒的晕眩,并对普通单位造成75点的伤害。
英文: Logic suggests that having a good dollop of self-esteem would enhance striving and persistence in school, while making a student less likely to succumb to paralyzing feelings of incompetence or self-doubt.
中文: 从逻辑上来说,良好的自尊可以加强在学时的努力与持续力,也能帮助学生不向「自我怀疑」或「缺乏竞争力」的负面感受屈服。