英文: The results showed that employees with high job dissatisfaction would exhibit the highest creativity when continuance commitment was high and when useful feedback form coworkers, coworkers helping and support, and perceived organizational support for crea
中文: 研究结果显示,当员工高度感受到同事间的有效回馈、支持与帮助,并意识到组织对创造力抱以支持的情况下,原本对工作的不满将能生成高度的创造力表现。
英文: The roles of the above three factors in leading highly creativity when employees with job dissatisfaction were discussed.
中文: 最后,并针对将工作不满意转化为创造力之情境因素进行探讨以提出对后续研究与实务应用之建议。