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preventive medicine

【医】 预防医学

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英文: Address: Registration Clerk 1, Floor 2, Department of Preventive Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Number 100, Ziyou 1st Rd., Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 807, Taiwan (R.O.C.).

中文: 报到地点:高雄市三民区自由一路100号,体检中心2楼(十全路家乐福对面)一号柜檯。        更详细...
英文: Because quantum medical science can estimate and publish the human body ultra tiny state of field, can make the leadership that nursed one's health in advance for the patient , Break dashing for ward and contribution greatly in preventive medicine.

中文: 由于量子医学能测度出人体超微细领域的状态,因此能为患者预早作出调理的指引,在预防医学上有着重大破突及贡献。        更详细...
英文: From different points of view of the epidemiology, cytogenetics, molecular biology, experimental pathology and preventive medicine, this study revealed and proved that the genotoxicity and carcinogenesis existed in the drinking pond water in the high inci

中文: 从分析流行病学,细胞遗传毒理学、分子生物学、实验病理学和预防医学的不同角度,揭示和论证了广西某肝癌高发区居民饮用塘水的基因毒性和致癌性,提出了切实可行的预防和阻断措施。        更详细...
英文: In research presented on May 20,2002 at a meeting of the American Thoracic Society, Holger Schunemann, M.D., Ph.D.,assistant professor of medicine and social and preventive medicine in the UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, reported that drink

中文: 在2002年5月20日提交给美国胸科学会会议上的研究报告中,布法罗大学医学和生物医学学院的医学、社会医学和预防医学系助理教授霍尔格·舒内曼医学博士报告称,近期以及终生饮用葡萄酒与肺部功能的改善有关。        更详细...
英文: Experience in the Teaching of Epidemiology for Students of Non-major Preventive Medicine;

中文: 非预防医学专业流行病学教学体会        更详细...

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