英文: A third time he approached in the same manner, when the Christian knight, desirous to terminate this elusory warfare, in which he might at length have been worn out by the activity of his foeman, suddenly seized the mace which hung at his saddlebow, and,
中文: 第三次他又猛扑,这时基督教骑士不愿老让敌人用这种方式消耗白己力量,决定结束这种虚晃一着的战斗,突然拿起放在马鞍前穹上的钉头锤狠命地一扔,锤头准确地直指这个酋长的头部(看起来这个敌人的身份不会低于酋长)。
英文: An official who carries a mace of office.
中文: (为高官)持权杖者持有代表官职的权杖的官员
英文: Behind my words are all those grinning, leering, skulking skulls, some dead and grinning a long time, some grinning as if they had lockjaw, some grinning with the grimace of a grin, the foretaste and aftermath of what is always going on.
中文: 我的话后面是那些咧着嘴嘻笑、藏在暗处的脑袋,有些死掉的人的脑袋长时间地笑,有些像患了牙关紧闭症一样笑,有些又扮出鬼脸来狞笑,这是一直在进行中的事情的预演和结果。
英文: Being the latent and lasting individual feature, competence quality forms the cause and effect relation with efficiency or excellent performace in reference to certain standards in specific work or environment.
中文: 胜任力是潜在的、持久的个人特征,它与一定工作或情境中的、效标参照的、有效或优异绩效有因果关系。
英文: “Since you ask, it makes me ache. I have lupus, they tell me. A mild form, whatever that means.” Her grimace he took to be sarcastic.
中文: “既然你问了,就告诉你:它让我疼痛。他们说我长了狼疮。轻度的狼疮,管它那是什么意思呢。”他觉得她说这番话时做的那个鬼脸是在讥讽他。