英文: He came back smelling of tar and tangle, saltness and sun, sea winds and Woodbine and bottled beer.
中文: 盐咸和阳光,海风,忍冬植物和罐装碑酒,他就这样带着一身混杂的浓烈气味从海上归来。
英文: The trim hedge, the grass-plot before the door, the little flower-bed bordered with snug box, the woodbine trained up against the wall, and hanging its blossoms about the lattice; the pot of flowers in the window; the holly, providently planted about the
中文: 宅前树篱齐整,绿草茵茵,花圃精巧,四周黄杨密植;忍冬缘墙而上,其花绽放,星星点点,缀于窗棂;窗台饰有盆花,居所四周植有冬青,聊以消解寒冬之孤寂,室内炉火熊熊,虽非夏日,宅前院后绿意浓浓,亦使居者倍感惬意;凡此种种,皆孕高雅之情趣,自绅士名流,至草根百姓,泽被万民。