英文: From China's viewpoint, the new deals were a nice counterpoint to the coup Mr Putin pulled off in May, when he unveiled plans to build a pipeline along the Caspian coast that would bring gas from Turkmenistan to Europe via Russia.
中文: 在中国看来,新的协议是对普京5月赢得突然成功的一次漂亮反击,当时普京公布计划要沿里海海岸建造一条石油管道,经过俄罗斯将土库曼斯坦的天然气输送到欧洲。
英文: Ice palaces were popular in the Soviet Union, to which Turkmenistan once belonged, but they were built in the freezing cities of the north, far away.
中文: 冰雪宫殿在前苏联非常流行(土库曼斯坦曾属于前苏联),可它们大都建在地冻天寒的遥远的北方城市。
英文: It was announced that an additional oil pipeline would be built from Kazakhstan to China; and that a new gas pipeline linking Turkmenistan with China would run through Kazakhstan.
中文: 他们宣布将新建一条由哈萨克斯坦通向中国的石油管道;而且,一条连接土库曼斯坦与中国的新的天然气管道也将经过哈萨克斯坦。
英文: President Niyazov of Turkmenistan has ordered the construction of a palace made of ice in the heart of his desert country, one of the hottest on earth.
中文: 土库曼斯坦位于沙漠地区,是世界上最炎热的地方之一,而土库曼斯坦总统尼亚佐夫最近却下令在该国中心地区修建一座冰雪宫殿。
英文: The Government of Turkmenistan is urged to join the operation as soon as possible and to ensure that traffickers will not target its territory for use as part of a route for smuggling acetic anhydride through the region.
中文: 麻管局敦促土库曼斯坦政府尽快加入该行动,并确保贩运者不会把其领土当作通过该区域走私醋酸酐的一段路径。