英文: Pupilary light reflex, Physiological function of rod and cone, Photosensory transduction mechanism of rod; Sound transmission in middle ear and microphonic potential.
中文: 瞳孔对光反射、视锥视杆细胞的生理功能、视杆细胞感光换能机制;中耳传音功能和微音器电位。
英文: Results No special structures for seismic communication it was found in the subterranean rodents Smithi′s zoker and Mandarin vole; the ratio of sound transmission is lower in Smithi′s zoker than in Mandarin vole.
中文: 果 斯氏鼢与棕色田鼠中耳内不存在特殊的声波传导结构,曾被认为与震动通讯有关的假关节窝的功能是用来防止下颌脱臼,砧骨短脚与鼓室壁间的连接关系同样见于大鼠、家猫和猕猴中斯氏鼢鼠的中耳对声波的转换效率低于棕色田鼠。