英文: A particular version of the gene protects against this inappropriate autoimmune response, while a different version of the gene makes it more likely to happen,he added.
中文: 他补充说道“该基因的某种特殊表型可保护机体免受这种异常自身免疫反应,然而另外一种模式则可能诱发异常的自身免疫反应”。
英文: An 11-degree warmer world would be a dramatically different world.
中文: 如果地球温度升高11度,那么世界将完全变样.
英文: As strange as it might seem, it's not that different from being a reporter in the real world,Adam Pasick, the Reuters correspondent who will serve as the virtual bureau's first chief, said in a Reuters report.
中文: 看起来可能很奇怪,但这与在现实生活中报道新闻并无多大区别.虚拟办事处的首届主席亚当·帕斯克说.
英文: At present High Court judges have no less than five different sets of working dress, depending on the jurisdiction in which they are sitting and the season of the year,Phillips said in a statement.
中文: 菲利普斯在一份声明中说:“现在,英国高等法院的法官至少有五套不同的工作服,他们根据不同的司法场合和季节着装。”
英文: But inspections is different from interception and interdiction,he clarified Monday. I think in that area that different countries will do it in different ways.
中文: “但是检查是不同于拦截和封锁的,我认为在朝鲜半岛,不同的国家将会以不同方式实施制裁。”