英文: Along with starting of the Cold War between USA and USSR in the Europe, ending of USSR's cooperative policy with western powers, and changing of Chinese revolution from strategic defense to strategic offense, in the autumn and winter of 1947, Soviet adjus
中文: 随着美苏在欧洲冷战的爆发和苏联大国合作政策的结束以及中国革命由战略防御转入战略进攻,1947年秋冬,苏联的对华政策也进行了相应的调整,对中共由消极冷漠转向积极支持和援助,但同时也不放弃与国民党政府合作的愿望。
英文: At this time the USSR was forced to take extreme measures to accelerate the development of its own defense industry, to re-equip the Armed Forces and for subsequent improvement of their combat capability.
中文: 此时苏联开始加速发展自己的国防工业,为装甲部队换装以提高自身的战斗能力。
英文: During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR and East European countries in return for manufactured goods and the capital equipment required for the country's industrialisation programme which placed emphasis on the development of hea
中文: 20世纪50年代,中国向苏联和东欧国家出口农产品换取制造品和资本设备,用于侧重于重工业发展所必须的工业化项目。
英文: During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR and East European countries in return for manufactured goods and the capital equipment required for the country‘s industrialization programme which placed emphasis on the development of hea
中文: 20世纪50年代,中国向前苏联和东欧各国出口农产品以换取制成品和国家的工业化计划所要求的资本设备,而国家的工业化计划则强调重工业的发展。
英文: From the perspective of forming alliance, Japan had another tentative plan which intended to use the relation between Germany and USSR to adjust the relationship between Japan and USSR, if possible, to construct Japan-USSR alliance and establish a more ex
中文: 在日德同盟构建前后,从结盟的角度来看,日本存在着另一种结盟构想:利用德国与苏联的关系,调整日本与苏联的关系,如果有可能,缔结日苏同盟,从而进一步缔结更大的日德意苏四国同盟。