英文: See a 1930s sawmill and exhibits on shipbuilding, watercraft restoration and marine engines.
中文: 领略一家1930年的锯木厂以及造船业,船只修复和船用柴油机的展览.
英文: She worked at a sawmill running a forklift for fifty dollars a week and had another job at a poultry plant.
中文: 母亲是锯木厂里开叉车的工人,每星期有50美元的收入,此外,她在家禽加工厂还有一份差事。
英文: The detailed opinion of the enterprise CE WOOD, a.s. has pertinent Information on Forestry and on Production. Moreover, Purchase and Sawmill and/or Species are offered.
中文: 是一家现代化的、可靠的产品供应商,这家供应商从事岩石,植物,地表沉积、鳞状沉积,种类药茶的制造、销售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的信息和服务。
英文: The plant opened in 1853 as a sawmill and quickly grew into one of the foremost chemical pulp mills in the world.
中文: 这个工厂成立于1853年,最初为一个锯木厂,后来迅速成长为世界上最重要的化学制浆造纸厂之一。
英文: Training in the use of the sawmill began with youths in Uluibau and expanded to include those in nine other villages.
中文: 使用该锯木机的训练从乌鲁包的年轻人开始,再扩大纳入其他9个村落的年轻人。