英文: Classic warm and soft neutrals have a reflection of the former days and obscure body silhouette. The delicacy and harmoniousness come from inner simplicity and comprehensive elegance.
中文: 温暖柔和的中性经典色系,带有朦胧的昔日旧影和隐约的身体意念,细腻、和谐,是来自内在的简单而具有包容性的优雅。
英文: Even those neutrals who had not been displeased, back in May, to see the championship go to Stamford Bridge for the first time in half a century found themselves hoping that he would pay for his presumption.
中文: 甚至那些5月份时还不因切尔西在斯坦福桥举起50年来首个联赛冠军奖杯而不满的中立人士们,也希望肯扬会为他大胆的预测付出代价。
英文: Vessels of every kind, whatever their flag, their character, their cargo, their destination, their errand, have been ruthlessly sent to the bottom without warning and without thought of help or mercy for those on board, the vessels of friendly neutrals al
中文: 任何种类的船只,不论它挂什麽旗,具有什麽性质,载什麽货,驶向何处,完成什麽使命,全都被击沈,不给预先警告,也全然不顾船上人员的死活;友好中立国的船只与敌国的船只同样对待。