英文: I see myself as a tiny dot out of my physical body, which lies inert before me.
中文: “我看见自己是一个离开自己身体的微小的点,我的身体一动不动地躺在我前面。
英文: A relatively inert gaseous chemical used in various gas-discharge lamps largely because it produces a white light. Pulsed-xenon lamps are commonly used in graphic arts camera work.
中文: 中义一种大量使用在电气灯中的非活性气态元素,它会产生白光。脉冲式氙气灯常用在印刷中的制版照像中。
英文: AYDOGDU Schweisstechnik leads high-quality services and products to Piping construction, Construction of pipage system in addition to Pipework system construction, Plant construction and to Inert gas welding.
中文: 该企业竭诚为贵公司介绍关于焊接、管道结构、管道安装、焊接操作以及工业设备制造和设备制造费用信息,请拨打0781/65121。
英文: Abaorb rernaining material or small spills with an inert material and then place in a chemical waste container.
中文: 残留物或小量泄漏时,用惰性物质吸收并放入废物箱内。
英文: All solder powders that are used for our paste manufacturing are made under inert atmosphere and under tight quality control program.
中文: 我们制造焊膏所使用的焊锡粉是在惰性气体和严格质量控制之下制成的。