英文: 1847 Liberia became the first African colony to secure independence.
中文: 利比里亚成为非洲殖民地中第一个获得独立的国家。
英文: A few developing countries—Afghanistan, Bosnia, Liberia and Rwanda—have had significant influxes in recent years, but these reflect mainly the movement of refugees.
中文: 有几个开发中国家近来有许多人移入,但是主要是难民,例如阿富汗、波士尼亚、利比亚、卢安达。
英文: Chinese President Hu Jintao is heading to Liberia Thursday as part of an eight-nation tour of Africa aimed at strengthening Beijing's already close economic ties to the continent.
中文: 中国国家主席胡锦涛访问非洲八国,星期四前往利比里亚。这次访问的目的是进一步加强北京跟非洲大陆已经紧密的经济联系。
英文: He will be the first Chinese leader to visit Liberia since the two countries reestablished diplomatic relations in 2003.
中文: 他将是中国和利比里亚2003年恢复邦交以来访问利比里亚的第一位中国领导人。
英文: Hu left for Liberia from Cameroon, where he signed a series of economic agreements, including more than 54 million dollars in loans.
中文: 他在喀麦隆签署了一系列经贸协议,包括总额5400万美元的贷款。