英文: Fails to establish the causal relationship between the decrease of Arctic deer and the recent global warming trends.
中文: 调查没有客观性;仅仅根据猎人的报告。很可能因为害怕被猎杀北极鹿都躲了起来,因而猎人得出错误的结论。
英文: The book traced a causal relationship between the rate of monetary growth and the price level.
中文: 这本书细致地描绘了货币供应变化和通胀的水平因果关系。
英文: Using cointegration technique, this paper examines the causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth in the mainland of China over the period from 1952 to 2003, and then, based on the Granger Representation Theorem, we set up an error
中文: 摘要中国1952-2003年能源消费和经济增长之间的关系可以用格兰杰因果关系进行检验,并根据格兰杰表示定理建立能源消费和经济增长之间的误差修正模型来考察二者之间的长期关系和动态关系。
英文: Weiner's Attribution Theory is a kind of motivation theory to study how people understand and interpret the causal relationship of their own or others' behavior.
中文: 运用伯纳德?韦纳的成败归因理论,针对目前部分在校大学生缺乏英语学习动机的现象,制定了成败归因调查表。