英文: Focusing on warm keeping and mash making under sun in winter, this paper put forward several problems in the production of traditional flavor soy sauce during cool seasons in the north, and roughly estimated the investment need to resolve these problems.
中文: 围绕冬季保温和阳光晒醪,提出了我国北方低温季节生产传统风味酱油需要解决的问题,同时概算了解决这些问题所需要的投资。
英文: The immense nebula contains at least a dozen brilliant stars that are roughly estimated to be at least 50 to 100 times the mass of our Sun.
中文: 这片巨大的星云包含了至少十几个明亮的恒星,粗略估计它们的质量都至少是50-100倍太阳质量。