英文: According to the above characteristics, technical problems of water resources argumentation of construction project in non-karat mountain area are analysed, argumentation area and guaranteed level are mainly discussed and solutions are put forward in this
中文: 根据非岩溶山区取用水的特点,对其建设项目水资源论证的技术问题进行了深入分析,重点对论证范围、地表水资源量和地下取水水源的保证程度等问题进行了研究并给出了相应的解决办法,以对今后类似地区进行建设项目水资源论证具有一定的指导意义。
英文: According to the problem of failure and instability in roadbed and cutting engineering of underground karat cavity, on the basis of inhomogeneous elastic damage model, this thesis propose the FEM back-analysis from instability-strength degradation, to des
中文: 摘要针对地下溶洞路床路堑工程变形与失稳问题,本文提出了基于非均质弹性损伤模型的有限元失稳-强度折减反分析法,认为材料参数服从统计分布来描述材料的非均匀性。
英文: Analyzing the instance in roadbed and cutting engineering of underground karat hole through strength degradation, it reproduces the breaking and steady losing process of the roadbed and cutting the intensity parameter during losing steadily is gained, it
中文: 对处于岩溶地区的地下溶洞路床路堑工程实例进行分析,通过强度折减,再现了地下溶洞路床路堑工程的破裂与失稳过程,并得出了失稳时的强度参数,对工程有一定的指导意义。
英文: Charging that court of yulong county didn`t accept my case and didn`t karat finding book!
中文: 强烈控诉中国云南省丽江市玉龙县法院应该立案的案子不立案,且不出具不受理的裁决书!
英文: Charging that working office of yulong county didn`t accept my case and didn`t karat finding book!
中文: 强烈控诉中国云南省丽江玉龙县劳动局应当受理的案件不受理,且不出具不受理的行政决定书!