英文: Abstract:In this paper,Triple Test Cross Design was used in studing the resistance of soybean to 10 physiological race of Cercospora Sojina Haraby inoculation.Results o analysis of gene effects of resistance indicated that additive effect is significant i
中文: 摘要本实验利用三点测交分析的方法,对3个组合在人工接种大豆灰斑病菌的条件下的抗性表现进行基因效应分析,各组合均存在加性,组合1存在显性,组合2、3存在上位性。
英文: Biological Polymorphism and Physiological Differentiation Mechanism of Cercospora Zeae-maydis in Gray Leaf Spot of Maize
中文: 玉米灰斑病菌(Cercospora zeae-maydis)生物学多态性与生理分化机理研究