英文: 1 External and static variables are initialized to zero by default. Automatic variables for which is no explicit initializer have undefined (i.e., garbage) values.
中文: 外部变量和静态变量初始的时候默认值为零,自动变量在初始的时候是没有默认值的。
英文: 1990a Exploring implicit personality theories with indigenous or imported constructs: The Chinese case. (With M. H. Bond) Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 1087-1095.
中文: 知识份子的心理特徵与社会角色>。载韦政通等著:《自由民主的思想与文化》。台北:自立晚报社文化出版部。
英文: A Cambodian woman holds an anti-drug banner at the ceremony commemorating the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia, June 26, 2007.
中文: 6月26日,在柬埔寨首都金边举行的焚毁毒品活动上,一名妇女手持说明毒品危害的标语牌。当天,金边市政府焚毁一批毒品,纪念国际禁毒日。
英文: [One may see implicit in this final quotation from The Gift of the Magi,the significance O. Henry placed on both the concepts of romantic love and self-sacrificial love.
中文: [5月1日看见隐含在这最后星术学家的礼物的行情中把重要性放在在两方面同样地罗曼蒂克爱的观念和自我献祭的爱上欧亨利].
英文: “Strongly impressed with the idea that these stones contained gold and silver, they subjected them to all the tortures of ancient alchemy, and the goldsmith's crucible, the forge, and the blacksmith's anvil, were employed in vain to elicit riches which ex
中文: “强烈地认为这些石头中含有黄金和白银,他们使这些石头遭受了所有古代炼金术的折磨,动用了金匠的坩埚、熔炉和铁匠的铁砧,但是这些想要获得那些仅存在于想象中的财富的努力都白费了。”